Personal Support
There are many types of personal support that may be helpful to you. Here are some examples:
– Help you clarify your health goals and develop a plan to achieve them
– Act as your sounding board
– Listen to your concerns, questions and fears
– Serve as a liaison for your family
– Help families resolve conflicts when opinions differ about a loved one’s care
– Support and encourage you when you are stuck
– Help you think through an often confusing/complicated series of decisions
– Identify roadblocks to success and help you navigate the obstacles
– Help you address frustration and resentment before it turns to anger
Within these diverse services, please understand that I do not:
– Provide direct medical care or medical advice
– Make medical decisions
– Administer medications
“With her help, I have been inspired to change and grow and have made great strides to become a person I respect and love. I treasure her insight and perspective.”